So yeah , i guess its the end of sem 2 and i'm so so so happy dapat rehat for 2 months before sem 3 start which is known as "the killer sem" among six sem there is . And ofcourse aku akan gunakan cuti yang ada sebaiknya , inshaAllah . But bila sem 3, the war starts again man , i tell ya. hahaha. Okay , tutup cita pasal sem 3 sebab spoil mood . hahaha . So yeah , perancangan untuk cuti sem ni is to take my driving license yang dah tergendala setahun and....mmm..proses menguruskan badan. ahahaha ..Boleh percaya ke ?? Duduk rumah parents with all those yummy food..boleh ke diet ni Anne ? :') inshaAllah , you gotta work hard Anne cause you know what ?? you're so freakin so so fat !! Harap misi dapat tercapai lah . hihihi . Anyway , cuti ni i dont really got plans where to with the flow..Malas nak plan awal-awal ..cause selalunya bila plan awal-awal especially bila plan dengan membe , mostly tak jadi -,- pastu broken heart sorang-sorang and i really hate it . errghhh . hahaha emo pulak . Till then guys :D